Academy of Information Technology (AOIT)
Offers a challenging academic and technical curriculum preparing students for employment and/or post-secondary education in the field of information technology.
Provides required technology courses in computer hardware, computer software, networking, computer operating systems, and Web design with digital video/audio.
Emphasizes skill-based, application-oriented learning methodology.
Promotes a balance between academic knowledge and workforce application.
Promotes the development of skills to deal with the interdisciplinary demands of employers.
Offers college-level courses through Fayetteville Technical Community College.
Offers enrichment opportunities through work-based learning activities to include field trips, job shadowing, and possible internships
Admission Requirements
Student capacity per pathway: 9th Grade: 30; 10th Grade: Open seats
* The PHFS Academy of Information Technology is part of the CCS Choice Program
→ Students outside the PFHS District must also complete a CCS Choice Application
* Completed Application (for in-district students ONLY) Application Link
* Overall C Average
* Rising 9th Graders: Latest 8th Grade Report Card -- EMAIL to Director
* Rising 10th Graders: Latest copy of transcript (Academy Director is able to get this -- no need to submit)
Students are responsible for dues of $40. Dues pay for the initial uniform shirt, initial Academy t-shirt, and other Academy expenses.
Additional Academy Requirements
Typical Course Outline by Grade Level
• Two years of a foreign language for students planning to apply to a four-year college/university program
• Work-based Learning/Community Service Hours
• Wear AOIT uniform EVERY Tuesday
• GPA Requirements:
♦ 2.5 (C) overall GPA for admittance
♦ 3.0 (B) in AOIT courses
♦ 3.0 (B) overall by end of 10th grade
Work- Based Learning/Community Service Activity Verification form
The Academy of Information Technology’s mission is to introduce high school students to the broad career opportunities in the information technology industry by providing a program of study in information systems, software installation and maintenance, and networking, to equip them with skills necessary to compete in a career field.
Our vision is to provide highly skilled graduates with a strong foundation in information technology.
About Us
The Academy of Information Technology at Pine Forest High School is a school of choice and is open to students across Cumberland County. Students not living in the Pine Forest District are responsible for their own transportation to and from school. AOIT is a small learning community within our school that introduces students to the broad career opportunities in today’s digital workforce and equips them with the personal, analytical, technical, and communication skills needed for careers in information technology. The Information Technology Pathway includes a variety of courses open to everyone at Pine Forest as well as courses specific to Academy students. The Academy of Information Technology is affiliated with NAF, an organization that helps students be future ready by bringing education, business, and community leaders together to transform the high school experience. AOIT is designed as a four-year program. However, we work with students who begin in their sophomore year to ensure that they get the coursework they need to complete the requirements of the pathway. Our program educates and trains students to become certified in several areas of information technology.
Certification Exams available to AOIT students:
Comp TIA A+ Computer Technician
Comp TIA IT Fundamentals
Comp TIA Network+
Comp TIA Security+
Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Premier Pro
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)
Specified criteria must be met to qualify to sit for certification exams.
Information Technology Required Courses
AOIT Scope & Sequence Student Programming
AOIT Scope & Sequence Student Computer Engineering
What the Academy of Information Technology (AOIT) Can Do For You
Work-Based Learning
Community Service
CCS/AOIT Computer Refurbish
Student Organizations
Career Fairs
Field Trips
Guest Speakers
Job Shadowing
Jeans Drive
Non-Food Drive
Food Drive
Local Projects
Regional Leadership
Regional, State, and National
Conference/Competitive Events
Receive 18+ Hours of College Credit Tuition-Free
• Junior year - Courses taught by an FTCC instructor on the Pine Forest campus.
• Senior year - travel to FTCC for all Information Technology classes.
If you would like more information, check out the Choice Program page on Cumberland County's website!
Jennifer Ivey, Director
Pine Forest High School
525 Andrews Road
Fayetteville, NC 28311
Telephone: 910.488.2384
FAX: 910.488.0790